Tuesday, July 3, 2018

My paper on the prime number bias is now on arXiv

I was able to find a professional number theorist who agreed to endorse my paper on this effect (statistical bias) in the distribution of primes for arXiv. I am pleased to say that not only is he a well-regarded mathematician, but probably also best qualified to judge the value of my paper as an expert in probabilistic number theory.

It is not so easy to submit your paper there if you are not affiliated with any academic institution as is my case theses days. Though I did post 11 papers on arXiv in the 90s, and most if not all have citations of other researchers, they are in the physics part of this well-known e-print repository. This one is my first serious attempt at experimental number theory, so I wanted to get it posted in math.NT as this is the most suitable section for this type of papers.

The paper has the same title as its earlier versions, Statistical Bias in the Distribution of Prime Pairs and Isolated Primes

As I say in the last section of the paper, more empirical work is still needed to understand this bias, which is not a minuscule phenomenon by any reasonable standards. On the contrary, it is pretty substantial. It is easy to grasp too, which should make it of interest to the public at large and not only to number theorists. Also, and even more importantly, we need a theoretical model to explain it. At this point, I have neither time nor resources to study it beyond what I have done already, but I hope others do.

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